Noticias de La Alhambra

Space of August 2012. Gate of the Seven Floors

Espacio_agosto_2011_okThe Gate of the Seven Floors is located on the southern flank of the walls that enclose and protect the Alhambra. It was built with the present configuration around the mid XIV century, during the period of Yusuf I, substituting a smaller one. It’s the closest one to the Medina and according to the chronicles it had a rather ceremonial character, there were military parades and tournaments carried out outside the gate. The gate goes from being a mere defensive bastion to became more of an emblem of political prestige. Among other characteristics it presents a zig-zaging disposition which protects it, since the enemy was obliged to turn a number of times before entering the citadel.

The Patronato de la Alhambra y Generalife (official board) carried out the complete face lift and reintegration of the bulwark of the tower which is now available to be admired and enjoyed by the visitors.

Name of the tower: Gate of the Seven Floors

Period: XIV century

Outstanding features: Its monumental character, decoration and the complex structure of the gate, together with the symbolic character with which the monarchs tried to express its capacity and majesty

Timetable: From 8.30 to 20 hours. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sundays

Access: Show general entrance ticket to the Monumental Complex of the Alhambra

Forum: Maximum 30 people at one time

Source: Patronato de la Alhambra 


Los tejidos e indumentarias de la España musulmana, a exposición en el Museo de la Alhambra de Granada

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tejidos-alhambraLa Alhambra acoge desde este 11 de julio y hasta el próximo 31 de diciembre la muestra 'A la luz de la seda', que expone tejidos e indumentarias realizadas en la España musulmana, que alcanzaron el máximo esplendor en el tiraz real del Reino nazarí de Granada, con fondos procedentes del museo del monumento, el Museo Lázaro Galdiano de Madrid y el Instituto Gómez Moreno de Granada.

La exposición presenta una colección de textiles andalusíes junto con objetos coetáneos, como chapines (zapatos), que permiten reconstruir e imaginar la historia de lo que antaño fueron suntuosas prendas que vistieron y adornaron a los nobles y cortesanos del sultanato Nazarí, y que contribuyeron a crear las lujosas estancias plenas de luz y colorido de palacios como la Alhambra.

'A la luz de la seda' dará a conocer este patrimonio a través de exposiciones temporales tanto en el Lázaro Galdiano y en el de la Alhambra de Granada. La muestra ha sido comisariada por Purificación Marinetto, conservadora del Museo de la Alhambra, y Amparo López, Conservadora del Museo Lázaro Galdiano.


Piece of July 2012.Three fragments of an alfiz

Piece july 2012July’s Museum Piece of the Month consists of three fragments of an alfiz, an ornamental moulding, normally used to frame an arch. Every Saturday in July, from noon onwards, art historian José Domingo Lentisco will analyse the fragments in Room VII of the Museum of the Alhambra, as part of a free programme offered by Patronato de la Alhambra and Generalife.

The use of plasterwork as a decorative element is not confined to the Islamic world, and was extended in Hellenistic Greece, in Rome and throughout the Sassanid Empire (Persia). The Umayyads and the Abbasids also used plaster for decorative purposes, the latter making significant developments in techniques and decorative motifs.

The use of plasterwork did not become extended throughout al-Andalus until the 10th or 11th centuries. Although it is known to have been used in the Umayyad period, it was during the period of the taifas when the technique reached its greatest heights.


Space of July 2012. Stables of the Tower of the Battlements


The Patronato de la Alhambra y el Generalife opens stables of the Tower of the Battlements to the public on March. Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Sundays, from 8:30 to 18:00 hours, to March 14, and from 8:30 to 20:00 hours, from March 15 to March 31, the tourists who access the monumental complex, will have the opportunity to know this space closed to the public visit due to conservation matters, presenting the general ticket.

The Tower of the Battlements had a defensive function over the Arrabal Gate, which is located at the base of the tower. Together with the Armas Gate of the Alcazaba, also located on the north flank of the Alhambra, it was one of the accesses that communicated the Alhambra with the city. The Arrabal Gate has a vaulted passage way which leads into the soldier’s quarters, bulwark and stables.


El Patio de los Leones de la Alhambra de Granada será accesible al público este verano

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enlosado-patio-leonesEl consejero de Cultura y Deporte de la Junta de Andalucía, Luciano Alonso, ha presidido la primera reunión del año del Pleno del Patronato de la Alhambra y Generalife. En la sesión, se ha aprobado la memoria y liquidación presupuestaria de 2011 y el programa de actuación y presupuesto para 2012, previsto en 25.220.524€, un 11,04% más que en 2011.

Como novedad, está previsto que el día 17 de noviembre se convierta en el Día de Granada, por lo que solo podrán entrar y además de forma gratuita los granadinos. El consejero también se ha pronunciado respecto al Centro Lorca, y ha asegurado que "aunque no está definida la financiación que falta, se quiere convocar a las instituciones para una reunión para llegar a un acuerdo".


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